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Writer's pictureJill Anthony

What is Rest?

We’re gonna keep this real simple.

What is rest?

And how do you do it?

I listen to the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast. They do themes per year.

In 2020, they did “walk 20 in ’20” so people aimed to walk 20 minutes a day for the year.

In 2021, they did “read 21 in ’21” so people focused on making a practice of reading 21 minutes a day.

I joined the listening audience in 2021, so I joined in for the “read 21 in ’21”. I loved this and still practice it some. When I first started, I was reading a somewhat dense book, and I had found myself not wanting to sit down and read it for an hour. Reading only 21 minutes of the book every day felt doable. Even if I wasn’t enjoying it, it was only 21 minutes. I could do that. I finished the book and was thankful I had read it, but I don’t know if I would have been successful without this strategy.

I’d been eager to hear what they would focus on for 2022.

Rest 22 in ’22.

Wait! What?!

My first thought was, “Well, I’m not going to do that!”

And thus began the exploration around what the heck “rest” is and why I’m so resistant to even entertaining the idea!

Gretchen is taking a 22-minute nap each day. I can’t see myself taking a daily nap.

Some of the podcast listeners have written in to say they are reading as rest.

Rest, to me, points to not doing.

I am the kind of person who stands in the kitchen to eat a meal.

“You know we have a dining room table, right?” is a question my husband often poses.

To be clear, I do know we have a dining room table. It has become my workspace since my husband started working from home in early 2020.

What. Is. Rest?

If you had to “rest” for 22 minutes a day for the rest of this year, what would you do?

Or not do.

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Jill Anthony
Jill Anthony
Mar 27, 2022

I think this is going to be a journey of trial and error for me. This past week, I have experimented with sitting quietly for 10 minutes after an energizing phone call to allow myself to calm back down before moving on to the next thing. So often, I don't give myself a moment to just breathe between tasks. Maybe I won't take a 22-minute nap, but perhaps I can "rest" for 22 minutes a little at a time throughout the day.


Jill Anthony
Jill Anthony
Mar 24, 2022

What timing! On Wednesday, March 23, the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast did a special episode on rest!

Check it out: Hacks and Suggestions for Getting More Rest


Mar 23, 2022

I could do this! I think a 22 minute nap each day sounds like perfection. #goals Thanks for sharing!

Jill Anthony
Jill Anthony
Mar 24, 2022
Replying to

Let us know if you try it and how it goes!

So funny the difference in responses between you and my mom! 🤣


Marla Taylor
Marla Taylor
Mar 22, 2022

I like the nap idea, but I'm not sure I could pull it off everyday and then not doing it would make me feel guilty and I would feel like I HAD to rest/nap and the stress would be so intense that I'd get no rest. So, I guess my answer is - I dunno.

Jill Anthony
Jill Anthony
Mar 24, 2022
Replying to

Ha ha! Perhaps a medicated nap? 🤣 To by-pass the emotional load! I think I would need clear expectations and to know what "doing it" looked like so I wouldn't get caught in this trap ... if I could even get myself to try it! I'm not a great napper to start with.

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